Bring your project to life with UX Touch
Bringing projects to life with UX Touch information portals Transform the way you communicate with your employees, managers and visitors...
The team at UX-Touch are made up of Designers and Developers who are passionate about bringing together the very best of interactive design principles, the latest materials and cutting-edge technology to create inspiring and truly innovative results for clients.
These principles work, whatever the platform – whether tasked with a wall-mounted Information Portal for a factory, a free-standing island screen or delivering content through an app or website – or a combination of all of these. We put the user at the heart of the experience.
Intelligent Portals
Powerful, yet simple to use and easy to update…
Rapidly access and disseminate your site or production data through visually engaging and interactive ‘touch-technology’. The system works natively with popular file formats such as MS Office and Adobe Acrobat or play video content such as MP4 and MOV.
With Qlik integrated you can visually interrogate information in real-time from a variety of sources or databases / lakes. The user-friendly ‘interactive interface’ and powerful back-end software was developed by accredited technology supplier – UX Touch.
Through this interface, staff, visitors and management can view up-to-the-minute information on key production data, business news, visitor information, videos and more.
Features Summary
- View files and media in native formats
- No custom coding or changing of data formats required
- Works with all popular file and video formats – Qlik, Excel, WMV, Word, PDF etc.
- Intuitive, easy-to-use admin software
- Content updates can be made by anyone with basic computer skills
- Scalable system developed specifically for touch technology
- Intelligent, intuitive and user-friendly ‘touch’ interface
- Each Portal can view another Portal’s content
- Ultra-slim, unobtrusive profile with zero footprint
Extensive research, design and development went into producing the touch interface, intuitive admin and LED active housing. The result is a simple to use, yet powerful and engaging tool. Built over a reliable and proven platform, the Portal software has been developed with a dynamic and tactile user experience in mind.
Modular system that can be deployed to any location
Detailed technical drawings can be provided to local fitters for site preparation. Due to the Portal’s ‘Plug and Play’ modular approach, installation is not limited by geography.
How do we administer the Portal?
The Portal is administered through our secure browser-based software, which is installed and accessed within the J&J data centre in a virtual server environment. Content/files can be added and updated, quickly and easily. New navigation feeds can be created and populated via the admin interface which are then available for instant access via the touch interface. A single administrator with basic computer knowledge can quickly update individual portals or portals within a group.
What about the hardware?
UX Touch provide the complete system. A typical Portal utilises a J&J slim PC together with a multi-touch, professional quality 55” Touchscreen plus UX Touch hardware. These highly reliable solutions are designed for commercial use 24-7-365. The Portal also works on smaller screens – there’s even an iPad version.
Who supports the system?
UX Touch offers post-install support for the system software and hardware.
Flexible, scalable, customisable…
Grouping portals together adds a new dimension… ‘Switch Portal’.
One Portal may (for example) show that areas production data. Another might focus on a specific teams’ relevant content.
With the ‘Switch Portal’ feature enabled you can switch your view to any other Portal within the group. This can be particularly useful if your Portals are separated by large distances, or sited within clean-room environments.
Once you’ve finished, and after a short period of time, the Portal switches back to its own content – ready for the next user.
Cost-effective Solution…
deliverable anywhere
Each installation is slightly different, however here are some typical costs for the supply and support of the Portal software and hardware – based on a 5 Portal set-up.
UX Touch can deliver and install this system to anywhere in world due to our highly scalable system and our agile approach to deployment. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and have repeatedly delivered for international firms both within the UK and overseas.
For each installation, the hardware is provided from our UK or Europe distribution hubs.
55” PRO Touchscreens were found to be the optimum size. These highly reliable touch-screens are designed for commercial use 24x7x365. Costs are based on 55”, other sizes are available.
Are we limited to five Portals per site?
The software can be configured for any number of Portals to be used in any one site and in any number of sites, worldwide.
For more information or a quotation for your site: Contact Steve Jones – create@uxtouch.co.uk
For a virtual demonstration within J&J : Contact James Walsh – JWalsh3@its.jnj.com