Support Inverness — Businesses In Inverness Need Your Support
In just 3 short months normal life in the UK has been turned upside down. Restrictions to travel and trade have had a knock-on effect on businesses at every level. Nowhere has this been felt more than the North of Scotland, where tens of thousands of people rely on seasonal and tourism-based trade throughout the year.
In response, communities have banded together to support businesses as they pivot to cater to home-grown trade. Restaurants are delivering, venues are catering to socially distanced audiences and local businesses are now bringing their inventories online to help maintain trade while keeping people safe.
At Velocity Design we’ve worked closely with local business for over 20 years (in fact, this year is our 20th birthday). That’s why we’ve created Support Inverness — as a way to give back to the community and help promote local businesses who need the continued support of the local area.
Publish Your Business On Support Inverness
On Support Inverness business owners can publish their business listing, including a detailed description of the changes or measures that have been taken as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. Businesses can also promote new products and services, and tell customers how best to connect with and support them.
There is absolutely no cost involved in publishing a business listing to Support Inverness.
In addition, we have developed an initiative whereby charities in and around Inverness can receive donations through the Support Inverness platform. Visitors to the site can donate their commute to nominated charities, offering the cash they’d normally spend on their commute to a charity in need and helping to support some of the most vulnerable members of our community. If you know a charity that would benefit from our donate your commute initiative please get in touch and we will do our best to include them.
As trade begins to resume operations within the new normal and lockdown starts to ease, businesses in and around Inverness will need our continued support. Visit Support Inverness to view the businesses and charities in our local community that need your support, and learn about the new measures, changes and services they have put in place to operate safely as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.