Velocity Design Celebrates Its 20th Birthday
This year Velocity Design turned the big two-zero! Time flies when you’re having fun.
We haven’t made a big song and dance about it. Probably because 2020 has been full of other stuff to keep everyone occupied. But secretly we’ve been allowing ourselves a couple of pats on the back and one or two extra helpings of birthday cake.
That’s right, we started our journey way back in the year 2000.
Things have come a long way since then, especially online. It’s easy to take super-fast download speeds and high-resolution graphics for granted. Back in our day, we used to go and pop the kettle on while waiting for images to download.
Also, phones flipped, photos got developed at the chemist and Brittany Spears was no. 1 in the charts.
So, how are we celebrating our big milestone?
We did think about getting together for a big bash, but that’s not feasible for the foreseeable. Instead, we’ve been working on a little side project. A way to say thanks to the local community – and to support our friends, clients and colleagues who operate businesses in the Highland capital of Inverness.
Support Inverness is about promoting local businesses affected by Covid disruption.
Lockdown is beginning to ease, and local businesses are working hard to make their premises and services safe for customers. Many of them have made changes to the way they operate in order to adhere to social distancing rules. Local people are wondering how best to support those businesses that went out of their way to provide deliveries, takeaways and online services while their doors had to stay closed.
Businesses in and around Inverness (and pretty much anywhere in the Highlands, we love them all,) can enter their details including contact information, web and social media links, pictures and descriptions detailing how best to support them. Think of it as an easy-reference guide for Highland businesses transitioning to the “new normal.”
Best of all, it’s 100% free.
Support Inverness is all about giving back to our community. Head over to Support Inverness, or find further information here.
Nice one. What else is new?
The Velocity team are busy, working to bring new updates and services online for our clients as well as working on one or two of our own projects. There’s a lot to look forward to on the horizon, and we’re excited to show off what we have in store.
In the meantime, we’re available to assist with all of your web design, SEO, digital marketing, print and more. If you’ve been brainstorming new ideas during lockdown and want to take your presence to the next phase, why not give us a call on 01463 861 467 or drop us an email at engage@velocitydesign.co.uk – we’ll be happy to help.